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Periodic Office Cleaning

Periodic Office Cleaning by Bridges Optimum Clean

Project Information

  • CategoryCommercial, Office
  • ClientAustralian based Back Office Solutions
  • Start DateJune 2018

Project Description

Periodic Deep Cleaning Services of BPO Office in Cebu.

We recognize that the most important concern for any business's management, and one that will resonate most with employees in charge of hiring a cleaning service, is the benefit that the cleaning service can do - to save time and money.

Challenges and Solutions

Persuading a client to switch from their existing cleaning provider to ours is one of the most difficult skills to master in the cleaning industry. Even worse, our prices are higher than theirs.

When we quote our clients for cleaning services, we provide them with specific pricing for each cleaning service they require. The following services are required by the particular client.

And decide on a frequency of twice a year with a payment term of thirty (30) days.

We explained to our client how we calculated the price of the services and the value they provide. There are numerous factors to consider, but one that we highlight is the amount of time required to “thoroughly clean” and complete the job.

Many cleaning companies will quote the shortest amount of time to clean to compete for the best price. Fast is fine, but what if the establishment would normally take two (2) days for a “Quality cleaning service” to thoroughly clean, however the customer was quoted only one (1) day? As a result, the client will receive rushed, inferior, inconsistent, and subpar cleaning services.

In the end, the client recognizes the importance of decision making, in particular based on the long-term influence on service quality. After all, we didn’t celebrate for closing the deal, however we celebrated for opening a new relationship, a long-term one.

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