Dust mites can multiply in beddings and mattresses. These can trigger year-round allergies if not completely removed. We provide effective dust mites removal and disinfecting techniques to help minimize allergies, asthma, and other respiratory illnesses.
Quality We Ensure
Our mattress cleaning service helps you control and eliminate dust mites, preventing the build-up of fungi and bacteria, and remove other allergens that are lurking in your mattresses and pillows.
Experienced Workers
Mattress Deep Cleaning is significant for health and maintaining good hygiene.
When you sleep, you lose dead skin, hair, and around a pint of sweat. So, deep cleaning your mattress helps keep your sleeping environment clean and healthy, especially if you notice spots or stains or an unpleasant smell.
Bridges Optimum Clean has invested in the Rainbow Cleaning System, a safe and effective cleaning machine in removing dust mites of up to eight (8) inches deep lurking in mattresses and pillows. To further sanitize and disinfect, you may opt to avail of our exceptionally steam cleaning service with a steam temperature of 338°F/170°C that can instantly kill 99.9% of viruses.

Are you looking for the best mattress cleaning service in Cebu? You may contact Bridges Optimum Clean. We pride ourselves on offering the best possible cleaning services near you.
Service Information
- Price :Please send us some photos of items (For Quotation)
- Cleaning Hours :Minimum of half-day
- Number of Cleaners :Minimum of 2 staff
- Visiting Hours :08:00 AM to 08:00 PM (Until work is done)
- Contact :0977 428 1080 / 0942 525 8798
- E-mail :bridgesoptimumcleaners@gmail.com